only when it was funny

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Saturday, November 25, 2006


Well, it is post Thanksgiving and I'm getting into the groove of my Wii. I've spent just about a solid week with the system and I have to say it is quite excellent.

Personally, I love Zelda. People worried about getting tired either haven't actually played the Wii or are so horribly out of shape so as to defy description. I've gone on four hour sessions and experienced nothing but fun. Of course I expected to enjoy the core game. It's Zelda. However, the controls are wonderful. The Wiimote and Nunchuck simply melted into my hands and became second nature very quickly. So for us gamers out there, Wii is a winner.

Being a holiday, I had the oppurtunity to try the system out on friends and family who are most certainly not gamers. From my mother to my girlfriend, everyone who has wieled the Wiimote has had a ball. Everyone picks up on the controls almost immediately and has a great time. My girlfriend actually wants a Wii for Christmas, which is saying something.

I'll now be juggling the bulk of my time with Zelda, Final Fantasy XII, Guild Wars, co-op Gears with my brother, and Wii Sports when visitors drop by. I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving. Now I gotta see a Zora about a water bomb.


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