only when it was funny

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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why I Love the 360

Today I just had some of the greatest fun I've had playing online for some time now. It wasn't World of Warcraft or G.R.A.W. or anything like that. It was Uno.

Yes, that card game that is now in its 35th year of existance. I played it online with a few folks after downloading it off of Xbox Live Arcade and I had a blast. It was a simple, fun game that actually facilitated some decent conversation and communication with total strangers (as opposed to something like Halo 2 where I have some 12 year olds telling me details about my mother). So in summary, I highly recommend Uno for the 360. Give it a download (a mere $5) and maybe I'll see you on Live.

This brings me to my next topic. I love the Xbox 360.

Call me a fanboy, but this system is just great. Its controller is near perfect, its wireless functions are flawless (more on those in a sec), and the interface is revolutionary and about to get better.

I was listening to Major Nelson's Blogcast form a few weeks back and there was an interview with the fellow in charge of Xbox accessories. It is amazing how much these people actual pay attention to what gamers want/need. It always seems like game companies don't even use the products to see if something is broken. Here's my example. When I saw the 360 HD-DVD add-on would use a USB port, I thought, "Well that kind of breaks the way the wireless adaptor clips on the back." But our friends at Microsoft have put that same clip along with additional USB ports on the back of the HD-DVD add-on. It seems a little thing and people won't even notice it, but they sure would if it wasn't there. And soon we are to be blessed with a wireless racing wheel with rumble and force feedback. Also, we'll be getting a wireless headset, which should be fun. And lastly, we'll be getting the Dashboard update (hopefully) soon. Yay for MS!

Still kinda slow news wise, so sorry that this is more of me ranting on what I love about my Xbox. But at least Half Life 2 - Episode 1 hits tomorrow, so that should give me something to talk about once I get it (may not happen right away, but soon). Til then, I'll talk to you later.


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